Skarby z głębi ziemi pod lupą biologów – projekt w ramach Science Hub UŁ

As part of the Science Hub project undertaken in cooperation with KYA Natural Company Sp. z o.o. (Poland) and the Mineral Logic mine (USA), dr Marcin Włodarczyk from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, together with graduate Jolanta Kalinowska, completed the first stage of research, aiming to determine the properties supporting the beneficial effects of probiotics by fulvic acid.

Cooperation with KYA Natural and the object of research

The KYA Natural cooperation initiated as part of one of the Science Hub projects results from the participation of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection ambassador in the National Council of Supplements and Nutrients and the presentation during the MeetUp conference. The session was attended by attorney Magdalena Wawrzyniak (Food and Pharma Legal), specializing in legal aspects related to food, who, during one of the meetings with KYA ​​Natural, recommended establishing cooperation with the team from the University of Lodz. This is how interdisciplinary and even intercontinental cooperation was born. Mineral Logic  owns one of the rarest deposits of minerals of organic origin in the United States.

Fulvic acid is an organic compound derived from deposits that began to form in the Lower Oligocene 23 to 33.9 million years ago. Currently, fulvic acid is used as a dietary supplement and an additive to animal feed, reducing systemic inflammation and regulating intestinal microbiota.

Research results and further cooperation

The results were presented at a meeting attended by representatives of both companies, Food and Pharma Legal, Dr Karolina Rudnicka (Departmental Ambassador of the Science Hub Project) and Jolanta Kalinowska. The results were presented during the meeting, and further cooperation directions were established. Members of the management board of Kya Naturals (Mrs Aleksandra Dziąćko and Mrs Kamila Gąsiewska, and Mr Maciej Gąsiewski), as well as the President of Mineral Logic - Mr Andrew Bruex expressed their willingness to set up further cooperation as part of a more extensive research project financed by both companies. This project will be another step in building cooperation between scientific institutions and external companies with the participation and benefit of students.

About the project 

The project is carried out within the framework of Science Hub UŁ - a university-wide collaborative platform aimed at supporting the UŁ academic community in the implementation of implementation scientific projects in cooperation with the environment. 

Copy: Jolanta Kalinowska
Photos: Jolanta Kalinowska
Edit: Science Hub UŁ